Like it or not, we all a product of our experiences. Good, bad, ugly, and sometimes weird; they've all inextricably shaped us into the person that we've become. Many of us feel held back by the past, feeling powerless to break free from the cycle that seemingly binds us to repeat what has already happened. ''You're weird.'' ''You're stupid.'' ''You're ugly.'' We've all been there, feeling like someone has absolutely torn through your soul and ruined your life forever.
The reason we feel that way is because we accept what people think of us as the truth.In fact, for the most part, we accept the world as it's shown to us from a very young age. It's hard to rebel against your core nature and completely mutate into an entirely different being. It's in our core nature to follow from the moment we become conscious children emulating our parents. Though many of us break free from their influence, we pick up the influence of others.
Even the most independent of us are forced to serve the whims of the world if we wish to survive in it, so we accept some form of pseudo unconscious mind control whenever someone devalues you and throws you into the dirt. ''I never loved you.'' ''You're fat.'' ''You could never please me.'' ''You're incapable of being loved.'' All of these simple phrases utterly destroy our psyche when someone we care about labels us as less than we thought we were.
Yet, there is a secret to overcoming the collective group madness that leads us to believe what we know is false. It's a simple thing, but hardly ever easy to achieve. It's a really crazy thing that most people live their entire lives and never succeed at. I call it changing! It's about proving people wrong. If someone calls you fat, and you actually believe you're fat, and maybe you are, then you have it in your power to rebel against yourself.
The beginning of anything is difficult, but it only takes two weeks to create a habit. When you feel yourself falling back into the old mundane routine, drop what you're doing, and immediately walk outside. Stare into the sky, breathe, and think for a moment about all those people who labeled you as what you hated about yourself. Prove them wrong! In our moments of pure reflection, we become more powerful than we ever thought we were. All it takes to change our world is to first change ourselves. You will discover how strong you are by how defiant your will is against your desires.
It's not about dieting. That's only a metaphor for the greater picture. Let's take another example. Your ex-girlfriend tells you that you never pleased her in bed. This is absolutely devastating to the male psyche. Yet instead of allowing it to depress you, allow it to remold you into something greater than you previously were. If you don't know what's wrong, it's impossible to fix something.
Once you inherit a hurtful criticism, you are presented with a choice. Either go through your life as a horrible lover or start to study up on the subject. Either let it defeat you or let it lead you to victory. You'd be surprised to learn that a woman's G-Spot, the place responsible for all forms of pleasure, exists only two inches in. That means that no matter your size, with the right knowledge, you are still capable of transforming your opinion of yourself by proving the person wrong.
All the memories of people that hold you back, past loves, best friends, people that tore you down, and told you that you weren't good enough, even though they've never lived a single day inside your soul, are actually capable of helping you if you apply the past as a lesson. So let's summarize how to successfully achieve this.
1. Reflect on the criticism without bias. Don't deny the truth, but don't let the truth destroy you either.
2. Acquire the knowledge it takes to transform that criticism into an outdated theory. Read up about how to beautify yourself, strengthen yourself, basically how to improve in any way because there is ALWAYS a way for those who are curious enough to search.
3. Apply the knowledge by rebelling against your habits. Whenever you find yourself about to fall into that habit, walk outside and reflect once again. Think about how you hated the way that person made you feel when they exposed your weakness and vow never to allow yourself to be that weak again.
4. Accept that you will have to make sacrifices to become a better person. If it was easy to attain greatness, it would be a very common thing. The people who change the world are the people who have nothing else on their mind except how to accomplish their goal and a very strong dedicated will. You are capable of becoming like that if only you...
5. Create a habit. It takes two weeks for the brain to psychologically accept a new habit. Force yourself to do it! Make it a daily thing, even if you only start with a few minutes per day. You have to be consistent! If you aren't going to do it every single day, then you will never get to the end of the race.
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